Baby Massage

Whether you realize it or not you probably already massage your baby in some way. We encourage all parents and caregivers to massage their babies from birth by providing simple nurturing touch and skin to skin touch. Infant massage provides many benefits for both you and your child.

Benefits of infant massage:

  • Improves babies sleep, helps regulate sleep/wake cycle
  • Helps relieve gas and promote elimination
  • Enhances the baby’s physiological development
  • Promotion of bonding, One-to-one quality time
  • Helps bridge parent/child relationship for adoption parents
  • Stimulation for premature babies – Faster weight gain
  • Enhances motor development for babies with developmental delays-Helps parents in their healing and acceptance process

What to expect in this class:

Participating in our infant massage class is an awesome experience for both parents and your baby.

The class is for babies starting between 6 – 8 weeks old up to one year. We can do it in a group setting with other moms/dads, privacy of your home or virtually. These classes are baby friendly so we know we may have to stop for feedings, diaper changes or hugs. Each of the two classes last about an hour and usually a week apart. These classes will guide you how to massage the different strokes on your baby with extra time spent on strokes for colic. We will also talk about many pertinent topics that parents may experience with their baby such as: fussy babies, when to massage your baby, and feeding issues (both breast feeding and bottle).

We will also discuss in our class how to continue massaging your child as they grow and providing for their different needs.

If you have a premie or would like information about massage strokes (Gentle touch, Skin to skin) for your baby younger than 6 weeks, please contact Darlene for information.

Click here to request your baby massage class