Health and Safety Classes

For Childcare Providers and Parents in Maryland

The Early Childhood Health and Safety Education/Training program offers MSDE approved training and consultation services to Child Care Providers and parents.

Our mission is to provide high quality continuing education classes to early childhood professionals on many aspects of early childhood health and safety topics.
Empower and educate parents with the tools to make wise choices related to many health and safety topics.


Currently Offered MSDE Approved Trainings:

Medication Administration Training for Early Education Providers

This MSDE training is recommended for any childcare provider so they can give medication to any child in their care.  Participates will learn and demonstrate safe and accurate administration of medication, including measuring, proper dosage, purpose of medication and the 6 Rights of Medication Administration.  Allergic reaction will be discussed along with the proper administration of Asthma medications and treatment for Anaphylaxis.  Trainees will practice using the new Epi-pen.  This is a 6 hour MSDE approved Health and Safety Core of Knowledge training.

Asthma Training for Early Education Providers

Participates will learn about Asthma and the many different components (emergency response, maintaining an asthma trigger free environment, parental and staff responsibilities) related to the care of child with asthma. Trainees will practice how to use an inhaler and nebulizer.  They will understand the importance of the Allergy Action Plan and how to implement it into the care of the child.  This is a 4 hour MSDE approved Health and Safety Core of Knowledge training.

Asthma Friendly Childcare Training

This training is an introduction to the Asthma Friendly Childcare Toolkit needed for the provider to use to apply for their ASTHMA FREE CERTIFICATE AND LETTER OF RECOGNITION.  The participant will become oriented about the criteria (Environmental controls and Management) necessary for the certification.  Upon competition of this orientation training the provider can then complete the application in the toolkit and apply for the certification.  This is a two hour training.

Upon Asthma Friendly certification the provider will receive 2 PROFESSIONAL ACTIVITY UNITS (PAUs) if they are a Director or registered Family Provider .  1 PAU will be given to center staff who participated in completing the criteria form.  All PAUs go towards the MARYLAND EXCELS PROGRAM.

Training number CKI — 7045


Classes Offered for Parents:

Potty training

Participates will received helpful tips for potty training their child.  A review of pediatric anatomy and physiology along with an understanding of age appropriate development will be discussed.  Information will be given about how to work with the special needs child.  This is a one hour class.

Playground safety

Are most playgrounds safe for our children to play on?  Learn what dangers lurk under those slides and swings.  Participates will be introduced to safe playground recommendations and learn how to recognize when it is not safe for a child to play on certain equipment.  This class is best done when weather permits going outside to look at play equipment.  This is a 60 to 90 minute class.

Summer fun and safety

will learn the importance of certain safety practices during outdoor activities.  Environmental factors (ozone, insects,) sunscreen, heat exhaustion/stroke, and water safety are a few of the things that will be discussed.  This is a 60 minute class.

Medication Administration/What’s in your Medicine Cabinet?

Participates will understand about the purpose of children’s medication, safe and accurate administration, how to assure the Dr. and pharmacy give the correct medication and the dangers of having medication in the home setting.  Proper storage at home, traveling and visiting (especially at grandma and grandpa’s) will be discussed.  MSDE required medication forms and procedures will be reviewed. This is a 60 to 90 minute class.

Allergy Awareness

Participates will learn how to recognize and how to help prevent allergy triggers in the home environment.  An overall review of asthma triggers and food allergies will be given.  The parents role in the school system along with the MSDE required medication forms/procedures and allergy action plans will be reviewed.   This is a 90 minute training.


Onsite classes are encouraged, please call 910-546-1401 to schedule your training today.


Call Child Care Choices – 301-662-4549

Hagerstown Community College – 240-500-2355